A Question for the day..
Hi I'm a Administrative Assistant at a Timeshare Resort. Since having the surgery - I feel drawn to the medical field - so I am applying at local hospital as Unit Secretary or any other Admin/Clerical position. My "speciality" has allowed me to work for insurance, banking, cellular phone service, legal, did a stint in a now defunct hospital, and now in Timeshare, looking forward to getting back in the medical field.
Good Morning. Well, I am a paramedic and love what I do. I started out firefighting but eventually found out that I really wanted to help people and that I love medicine. If I could do it all again, I'd probably have stayed in college and become a physician but I'd never have enjoyed all the people I've met and helped thru the years.
I'm a stay at home homeschool mommy to my four great kids. Change "jobs"?
NO way! I get to mold my kiddies future and be with them all day. What more could I ask for?
IF, I was not doing this or when they all graduate... I would enjoy being a Doula. That is similar to a midwife but more hands on and less schooling etc.