A Question for the day..
I currently work from home for a telecommunications company. It's one of those where you work whenever you want. While it is nice working from home, I do miss being able to interact with other people. Right now it's hard on my physically to consider working outside the home. However, once I have my surgery, I think I would like to try my hand at becoming a realtor. But my all time FAVE job was when I was a 911 dispatcher!
Hello, Tina
It's nice to be on the answering end of this for a change.
I am a Team Manager for a very large bank in their credit card division. I have a team of over 20 advisors who handle calls when you have questions or issues with a credit card. I love my job and the company most days, but have always felt I should work for a non profit or as an elementary teacher or be an occupational therapist.
If I could afford it, I would probabaly go back to school for occupational therapy but I dont see that happening. Maybe in my next life, I will do something helping people (I like working with kids and the elderly), right now I try to feed that desire by volunteering (would love to do more). Currently, I mentor three girls with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, volunteer at a homeless shelter and for Special Olympics big functions.
Thanks for the question.

Iwork for a Mortgage company in the Defualt Cash area. I am involved in making sure payments are applied timely and accurately by others and then reviewing losses and providing that information for Management approval.
When I grow up, I do not want to work. I want to volunteer to help others doing whatever needs to be done and have the means to not worry about payment. :
: There are a lot of people out there that needs helps and no means of payment. I want to find them and help them. I also want to find lonely hurting people and surrond them with love through the holidays. Bring them all together for a "family" gathering, not just a meal at a homeless shelter.

I am a registered nurse. I really enjoy what I do and would not change it. When I was 30 I was in management, going to school at night to complete my management degree. I was killing myself to get a degree at a job I hated. I quit work went back to school full time and got my nursing degree. It was the best move I ever made. We struggled for a few years but it was well worth it.
I am a home care coordinator and organizer of 3 peoples lives. That means I take care of my husband and two daughters. I am also a freelance writer but I lost my motivation about 2 years ago when my health got so bad. I hope to get back to it. Making people smile has always been my favorite "job" . Nothing pleases me more than to bring humor into others lives and I try to do that whenever possible.