Gall Bladder Surgery
Have any of you had gall bladder surgery since your WLS? Do you know why it is so common for people who have had WLS to develop gall stones? What was it like, how long did it last... how long were you in the hospital? Was there alot of pain and did you have it done lapriscopically? It looks as if I'm going to have to have this surgery and I'm pretty upset about it. I hope it won't affect my weight loose. Any info would very much be appreiciated. Thanks.
I am also having problems w/ my gall bladder. My surgeon did not take it out because it wasn't diseased at the time of my RNY. But now I am having horrible ****asional) pains in my upper right shoulder blade, I have to do an ultrasound to see the gallstones and I have to remedy my anemia before I can have it removed. They say if you stay away from high fat and fried foods it usually doesn't act up as much. After rapid weight loss gall stones develop. Most gall bladder surgery's only last about 45 minutes and they do it laprascopically. My friend was out of the hospital the following day.
Good Luck!