solid/puree foods
Not sure exactly what you mean...I was sent home on pureed foods...and after 2 weeks the surgeon cleared me to start soft solids, so things didn't have to be a blended consistancy. I could try tender pasta, cooked veggies, moist meats, and canned fruits in juice or fruit skins or fresh veggies until 6 weeks out. It is best to call your nutritionist and find out when the next step is and if your surgeon needs to clear you to take it.
Alexa, my diet was exactly like Chris B.'s diet. It is wise to stay on the diet your nutritionist gave you. Don't push your stomach or it will turn against you. Once you start having problems, it is horrible and sometimes it takes a long time to reverse them. Be happy things are going down well and continue to treat your new tummy gently, or you might suffer its wrath!! Trust me, you don't want that, it is very painful!
I think you are doing wonderful, and I uderstand why you want to move on, I felt the same way! You must remember though, that your tummy is all stiched up inside and healing still... There is a reason you are on the diet you are on, right now.
I wish you all the luck in the world, call me if you need ANYTHING! Even if all you need to do it talk, ok?!
You are doing a great job!! We are all so very proud of you!