I too will pray for her and you. I have two Yorkies and my mother breeds tham I understand what your going through...SHe make sure you stay as calm as you can she can feed off your stress and worries good time for those baby talks to her.
Nature will kick in but just be there and help if you can,and don't forget to remove the sack as soon as you can and get them little one breathing...lol I love helping delivering puppies. let us know how you two do and how many puppies...

Becky just wanted to say hello and say it seems we have alot in common I have a male shihtzu "Spencer" my husband and I bought him prior to getting married and can I say his is my third child. I am sure you already know just how spoiled they can be but this dog mourns when I am not around and I have almost got my husband convinced to smuggle him into hospital Thursday to see me. Haha!
He knows when I am sick or depressed and when I am home he makes every step I do. Never seen a dog that follows someone to the potty and lies down til your done. Anyways praying for your upcoming surgery hope all goes well. Also, I seem to have everything for after surgery do I need to purchase some type of protein drin****ep seeing it talked about so much. Do you have any

Hi Lady, I have a little chihuahua. I know what you are going though.
My little girl is 4 pounds and she had 3 puppies about a year ago.
Make her as comfortable as possible. As the labor becomes more intense, she will scratch and bite at her bedding. After the baby is born make sure she passes the afterbirth. If this is her first liter she might need some help after a puppy is born. Just make sure you help her clear its face so it can breath. make sure the bag is clear from its face. Don't let her stay in labor for along time. More then 2 hours of intermittent contractions have passed without progressing to hard, forceful contractions. If she keeps pushing and no puppy then call the vet. Call the vet if you start to feel uncomfortable with how long she has been in labor. I would not let my girl stay in labor over 4 hours. I am praying with you. I think your little one will be just fine. Good luck, Debra