Yvette Y.
on 1/20/05 10:39 pm - Miami, FL
on 1/20/05 10:39 pm - Miami, FL
Hello All,
I just wanted a time to vent . Has anyone really felt like they made the wrong decision with the WLS. I do! I know that this is something that is going to better me, and i also know that this is going to help keep me healthym but i cannot help but think that i made a mistake. It has been sooooo, sooooo difficult for me these past three weeks. I had surgery on December 28th, the days after my surgery were horific. I was in soo much pain i could barely tolerate it. Know i am about three weeks Post-Op and i honestly do not feel better. I am still a bit uncomfortable. I have pain I ugess from the gas, and when i eat. I throwup most of everything i eat. I can barely keep down some kind of protein. PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS!!!!!
I am sorry for venting out here , but i have no where else to turn too.
Hi Yvette,
I am sorry you are feeling depressed! I promise you it will pass, things will get better! Everyday you wake up is a day closer to feeling better! I also felt this way in the beginning and truely regretted my decision for haveing the surgery! As time past, I started feeling tons better.......keeping food down was easier and as the weight came off I knew it was the right decision. Sometimes, I still wish I could just go get me a big burger from Hardees and eat it like I used too. I have to remember though, oneday I will be able to eat that burger again and I ask myself "Would it taste as good at the weight loss"?
Keep your head up! It's only been 3wks and it does get better! Just tell yourself it has to get better! The short term pain of the WLS does not compare with the long term pain of being unhealthy! Best of Luck:
You will be in my prayers!

Oh, Honey.
Yes, I felt the same way. It did get better - honest. I am almost 3 months out and am just starting to keep down food. No stricture, but I still was eating too fast. My doc said that every time I threw up, my openings would swell a bit so it was a vicious cycle. I am on a prescription now 4x day that heals me from the inside. I have been vomit-free (what a funny sentence!) for almost two weeks. The scrip is called Carafate and it's a liquid. I don't know what I would have done without it. This weekend I am going to start taking my supplements again (they used to make me vomit).
I also had and sometimes (like yesterday) have periods of mourning for loved foods and even quantities of food. But when I hopped on the scale this morning and saw 57 pounds lost in 11 weeks, I thank Him for my surgeon's skilled hands. It helps me to remember that WLS is a process, not an event. And I have to take it day by day.
Have you called your doctor to tell him/her about your experiences? Mabe they can do something for you?
Yvette - hang in there. I did not have that feeling but what you will notice everyone had some battles a little bit different for each one of us. I still have times when I each something with to much spice and don't get to keep it. It does get better. Every day is one day closer. use this forum to vent, that is why it is here. Just hang in there and don't give up you are on your way.
It does get better. I never regretted my decision to have the surgery.
Food is not a priority to me anymore. I still think about what choices of food I want to eat. But most of the time it does not matter as I cannot eat much and when I try to eat, it just does not taste as good as prior to surgery. But last night when I got on those size 10 dresses and sucked in and got into the 8's, I thought: "WOW THIS IS REALLY GREAT." I cannot remember when I was ever this small.
Hang in as I am...This is actually the first day I have been on the computer since my surgery. I have had so many problems and also have been depressed. Had my first surgery Dec 6 then a leak Dec 12 requiring a second surgery. Was in the hospital a total of 17 days including ICU on a respirator, lung needed draining 2 times, abdomen needed draining once due to blood clot, had 10 blood transfusions, 2 subsequent hospital visits. Still I am not right, trying to hang in but breathing is tough, I throw everything up and and on zofran everyday to try to stop it . I cannot even do simple tasks like laundry, bathing etc. Its very upsetting and I too question my decision and mine was a revision from 20 years ago! so let's both try to keep our heads up, it can only get better right?