Question to Post-OPs Vegtable Haters!
Hello again! I wanted to know if any of you out there have a problem with eating vegtables. Not a physical problem, just hating the way they taste (pre-op). Ever since I was young I absolutely HATE veggies. I was told by friends that with the correct supplements I could do just fine after surgery.(I'm still Pre-op) Please let me know if any of you have this issue! not tell me to just eat them!! I have had so many people say, "well you just have to find one you like" OR " you have to find a way to cook them how you like" PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THIS! (friendly anger) I have had sooooo many people do that. I just get so violently ill when I try to eat them. I automatically vomit.
If any one has any suggestions or related problem please let me know! This has been bothering me so much. I have no choice but Bariatric surgery or I feel I will be dead by the time I am 30 years old of my comorbidities. Please help! Thanks!

Hi Kimberley,
I take a supplement by Andrew Lessman [name of website is- yourvitamins]called Green Foods just for this reason...I don't eat but once a week and when I do its usually chicken or fish only....I have been drinking protein drinks well over a year. I did loose 15 lbs this past Aug...but nothing before or after that time. I have surgery on Feb 8.
Personally I have not had a problem with veggies, I do like them. But I am like Steve. I concentrate on protien first, I then have some carbs and veggies. That is not an issue with me.
I have found out though that I still tend to stay away from the foods I did not eat prior to surgery since surgery. I could probably eat some of them now but not really interested in trying. Like green peppers would always give me heart burn. Since my lower stomach is separated, I would not have the reflux, but still unwilling to try.