Gained 5 lbs overnight!!??!!??
I weighed 255 one day, then the next 260...I'm freaking out a bit. Can this be that I'm retaining water or something??? Has anyone had this happen to them??? I was on a 3+ month plateau and finally started losing more s..l..o..w..l..y, but atleast I was losing again! I'm desperate...any ideas and thoughts???

the same thing happen to me.i went to the dr. and when i got on the scale it said 149lbs i was down to 144lbs.and she said that i was retaining water.that always happen to me before .when i was going to get my period.but i'll know that ones my period stops i'll be back on 144 or less.i really want to stay in 144.but god knows what he is going to do with me and my weight.i was on the plateau for three months too .i was on 150 for almost three months then i slowly started loosing again.but i do eat alittle bit more than i used too.take care and you will start loosing again don't worry.