Question of the Day
When I was a teen, I was, well, I was a "little" on the stubborn side.
Actually, I was a good kid but thought my parents "just didn't understand".
When Dad would get on me about something, I had the knack to push his buttons and my facial expressions showed it I guess. He would say " Dont give me that look" and a few times I even said. "It's the only face I have. I can only look like this". (not the smartest thing I ever said) I always said I would NEVER say Dont give me that look but Lo and Behold. I hear myself saying it to my teens. My daughter has even come back with "It is the only look I have" Man!
There is one more and that is "Don't get smart with me" I hated that and one time said "oh No. We wouldn't want me to be smart!"
Years later, I heard myself say that to my daughter...........yes, you guessed it. She came back with the same remark I used years before............I could only laugh.
Guess I have become my parents.

My mom would occasionally shake her finger at me while chastising me for something. I swore I'd NEVER shake my finger at my kids. Lo & behold, one day as I was fussing at one of my sons, I looked down and noticed not only was I shaking my finger, but that finger was connected to my mom's hand! My hands look just like her's (only mine are fatter now). That was a real OMG moment for me!!!
Vickie J.

I don't have any children yet, but I can already see some of my mother in me. I have so many of her traits that I know will become more apparent when I actually have children. I notice that I overdramatize things sometimes, and I am extremely stubborn. Now if I could only inherit her obsessive cleanliness when it comes to housework...

How about obsess with turning all the lights out. Don't wanna waste electricity... My dad used to get on to us for that all the time. "Go through the house and turn all those lights out", he'd say. I say the same thing to my 4 kids now.
My father was and is a Pastor. I NEVER thought that I or my hubby would be in that role...lo and behold, here we are! LOL