Support Group Jacksonville, FL
Are you looking to receive support and encouragement from a group of compasionate individuals that have walked in your shoes? Please join Novus Centers, an independant bariatric support center once per month at our peer-to-peer support meeting.
The meeting is facilitated by a registered dietician and focuses on peer support in a safe environment to discuss personal success and challenges and openly share their experiences with one another.
Location: St. Luke's Hospital, Auditorium A.
Next Meetings: June 6th and July 11th.
6:00 p.m. Band patients
7:00 p.m. Sleeve and Bypass patients
on 6/5/11 11:20 pm
The Novus Center, an independant bariatric support center.....not affiliated with any particular surgeon?
Do your dieticians work for Novus or St. Luke's?
Is this group just starting up?
Sorry about all the questions but I want to pss the information along to my support group, which meets on Tuesdays so maybe we could come see you on your meeting days. I think the more meetings you attend the better.
I'm going to assume these meetings are open to pre op and post op, friends and family of patients with questions or concerns or just want to learn. If that's not the case, would you let me know, please.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. And thanks for setting up another meeting for those of us here in Jacksonville.
We are a group of individuals who either have had or are considering Weight Loss Surgery. Most of us are members of Novus Centers Bariatric Support Center and have had surgery with Dr. Webb, Roa and DePeri; however, you do not need to be a member to join this meet up. It’s our goal to help the Jacksonville community to continue down the long path toward good health and successful weight maintenance.
Our dietician is employed by Novus Centers not St. Luke's Hospital. We have had this group for 3 three years. Please consider joining. We would like to build a strong Jacksonville community.
on 6/8/11 10:51 am
And I know that in the past patients of Dr. Webb's went thru Jarrod's and hiw wife's group. Is that your group? I'd asked to attend the Jarrod group support group meetings in the past and never got approval to do that so if you are the same group, I'm happy to hear you've opened the meetings up to others in the community.
I have had my support group for almost 6 years now and have moved the meetings from every other Saturday to lunch every Wednesday to meetings on Thursdays to dinner on Tuesdays. Amazingly, Saturday was always my big attendance day and lunches on Wednesday was the second largest group. There was a time I had 6 meetings a month so I know there are a lot of people out there who want to find a meeting to attend.
But I'm just curious as to whether or not you're Jarrod and his group and if not, whether or not they still exist and if the Webb group is now exclusively at St. Luke's.
Oh, did Dr. Herrerra and Chappeno stay at St. Vincent's and aren't going to cross the river to do surgeries at St. Luke's?
I just like to keep my finger on the pulse and wanted some updated information if you don't mind sharing.
on 6/8/11 10:53 am
I do hope you can make this meeting a time or two and see if its a good fit for you. I may attend, as well, and (as you know) sent the information along to our group.
You look fantastic, my friend. I'm proud of you.
I do hope you can make this meeting a time or two and see if its a good fit for you. I may attend, as well, and (as you know) sent the information along to our group.
You look fantastic, my friend. I'm proud of you.