Looking for Nutritionist that takes BCBS Fep in Sarasota/Port Charlotte Area
I am hoping to have RNY surgery with Dr. Michel Murr in June or July and would like to start seeing a Nutritionist in my area that takes BCBS FEP. They will pay for one on one counseling but not for group counseling. I have been told not to call my insurance company and talk with them before I submit all my paperwork because the insurance company will open a case number on me and if I don't have my paperwork in within 45 days it will be strike one or denied.
So not being able to call the insurance company to help with finding a qualified local RN is complicating things when I want to really get started on the prep and education part.
My ARPN gave me a name but the RN does not take my insurance. Also, if you have done this sort of counseling how much did the insurance pay and how often were you able to see your Nut.
Thanks in advance.
I am hoping to have RNY surgery with Dr. Michel Murr in June or July and would like to start seeing a Nutritionist in my area that takes BCBS FEP. They will pay for one on one counseling but not for group counseling. I have been told not to call my insurance company and talk with them before I submit all my paperwork because the insurance company will open a case number on me and if I don't have my paperwork in within 45 days it will be strike one or denied.
So not being able to call the insurance company to help with finding a qualified local RN is complicating things when I want to really get started on the prep and education part.
My ARPN gave me a name but the RN does not take my insurance. Also, if you have done this sort of counseling how much did the insurance pay and how often were you able to see your Nut.
Thanks in advance.
Did you find someone? I am not sure about the insurance but maybe try this person if yo haven't found anyone. I know she is in Pt Charlotte.