Question of the Day
i will be spending nothing this year . i lost my job this year , hurricains cut down the hours my husband is working and last week husband lost total eye sight in left eye . so i hope we have x-mas this year . its hard with 4 kids . we would be happy just to have a small celebration this year . i hope everyone has a blessed day
Definitely less. Last year I had just gotten a settlement, so I was able to spoil my family. This year...well, we all know I am self that's why less! But I will still make sure that my presents are special and just right for each family member--that's my fave part of the holiday! (December is a busy month for sis's baby shower is tomorrow, my anniversary is Dec. 13, My dad's bday is 19th, my step mom's bday is 25th & xmas!) Geesh...