Another update on Marcie D
The rest of the updates are in my p[rofile if you want to see the whole story.
PLEASE stop by and sign her page.
She has been reading them, and her boyfriend said she got very emotional when she read the support she's been getting.
This is todays update from Eric, her boyfriend.
Well,she has been getting better,for the most part.But,there is a lot of ground to cover here:
She was supposed to have a CAT scan done today(they moved it from Monday) but,she did not have any good veins showing in her skin for them to give her the fluid that she needs to have a CAT scan done.Her arms are all dry.They are all bruised up and she has about 5 bruises on each arm.She also has had some fluid come out of her arms,pretty bad stuff.She has had rashes in certain places,but they seem to be under control.Her hair,well,she hates it.She says it is greasy and she wants to color it.She feels dirty all of the time.
I talked to the nurse for a while and well,she is having a CAT scan done to check on the spleen,and to see how the pneumonia is doing.After that is done,and if all is going okay with her as far as the amount of stuff left in her lungs,and that whole spleen issue,she can go home.In fact,the doctors ordered the CAT scan today so she could go home sooner,but because of the veins in her arms beign so dry and nonexistent,well,we are just going to have to wait till maybe tomorrow for a CAT scan.