Cathy Floyd Update
I visited Cathy at Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center this afternoon and was AMAZED at how well she is doing!!! She looked great, was sitting up & moving around with no problems. Her IV was taken out this morning & she'd already been up & showered. She said she has not had any nausea, almost no pain (only used her pain pump 4-5 times since surgery) and had no trouble "waking up" from the anesthesia. She even said the barium swallow leak test was no problem. She said she was ready to go home & would've gone today if the dr. had approved it. She is sipping her water & had "eaten" chicken broth & SF popcicle for lunch before I came. WOW!! I just hope I do half as well when I have my surgery!! Cathy will be going home tomorrow so keep her in your thoughts & prayers as she begins the adjustment to her new life.
Vickie J