Getting nervous-surgery Thursday
I am starting to feel a bit of a panic. I still want to do this with all my heart--but I'm getting some serious anxiety. I've got all the right food--I've read everything I can get my hands on...I dont know. Anyone else get this way? My surgery is 9am Thursday. I'm happy; but I'm scared. Any advice would help tremendously.
Perhaps I am not the best way to advise you since I have not had the surgery but here goes.
Everyone gets a little panicy at times. Only you know if this is a case of "nerves" or true panic. Ask yourself if you are truly frightened or just experiencing the kind of nervous energy one feels in anticipation to any big event. If you are truly frightened talk to your family and call your Dr. There should be someone at his/her office with whom you can discuss your fears. Do not let anyone tell you it is too late to step back and think for a minute. It may not be convienient but these things can be rescheduled. I am a great believer in listening to what your own head is telling you. If you think it is not really fear -- just nervous anticipation -- then stay active. Clean the house from top to bottom -- start writing out your Christmas cards. Do those things that will reassure you that you have taken care of your family and yourself.
I feel for you. Been there and done that. The best advise I got was to go back and read your profile. Remember why you started this journey to begin with. Do not make decisions when you are anxious and nervous.
If you made the decision to have this surgery after you had researched everything and was of clear is old self-doubt stepping to the plate at the last minute.
Go with your original decision. You will be glad you did...I was.