Prayer changes things!
I'm a firm beleiver that prayer changes things so much that i've just found out that I'm APPROVE for wls. My pre-op is schedule for 2/24 and my surgery date is 3/1 Yay, thank you Jesus was the first words that utter from my mouth as tears of joy start to fall down my face as i could barely hear the UHC rep speaking in the other end. Constitency is a proven principle that I often practice. For those of you who are waiting to be approve please, please don't give up. Keep at it until the Phat Lady sings and always remember if you are a beleiver that prayer changes things!
I am very happy for you. I also believe in prayer and I know that "I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strenghtens me." I am just starting this journey to approval and it feels like a mountain I have to climb but I will not climb that mountain alone. I send you strength and hugs that all is progressing well.