home and doing great*****
Hello every one, I am home as of 3 pm today and just sore but doing great. It was so nice to see all the messages when I got home. I had my vea cava filter put in and then Dr. Jessee did my surgery Ooct. 28th and I did wonderful. Went down to radioligy on friday morning tested for leaks none. I went back to my room and got a bath and the Nurse from the office bought over my goody basket and said they were amazed at how good i did.No one could believe that I was up and down the halls two or three times the afternoon of my surgery and that I had such good color and no pain just soreness. I am happy to be home and it will feel good to be in my own bed tonight. Thank you all for your prayers and notes, it really does make me feel better to know that my WLS family is out there. God bless you all and keep in touch.