galbladder ultrasound
i have one tomorrow and when she called me to make the appt she said no food after midnight, i think. i was waiting til i got the info in the mail from them to make sure i heard/understood right.well i just got it today and it says MPO or NPO after midnight..cant tell if its an M or N and even if i could im only assuming that means no food since she said something about that.any help??
NPO means nothing (food or liquid) by mouth. I just had a gall bladder ultrasound last Thursday. Since it was unplanned (I had a gall bladder attack) I had eaten lunch but had nothing to eat or drink afterwards and they didn't do the test till after 8 pm. Unfortunately, the other test I had to have the next morning required NPO after midnight. Try to get well hydrated before your midnight deadline & don't worry - the test is easy.
Vickie J.