I have a question! Please answer?
I went to search for Vocation Rehab information and to find an office that I could get in touch with but, I didn't find anything. I don't know if I searched for the right thing or what? o.o
I was wondering if someone could provide me with a link for orlando area or should I just thumb through the blue pages in my yellow page phone book?
Also is 2 letters too few or should I get more... it'll be a problem since I have been a military brat for so long and have to request records...from Jax, quite a drive when I can't even get on base.
407-262-7428*N DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHAB in Dept. of Labor...244 Sausalito Blvd, Casselberry, FL 32707
407-897-2715*N VOCATIONAL REHAB, DEPT OF LABOR & EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, 3191 Maguire Blvd, Ste 250, Orlando, FL 32803. Put Floridians with disabilities to work. Voc. Rehab couselor: Robert C. Cirnigliaro
I did a search for Vocational Rehab Orlando...not sure if this is it though.