Hi everybody. Brought Jan home yesterday about 4:00pm. I wish they had kept her one day longer. She was getting breathing treatments and she was still having quite a bit of discomfort. It was not easy for her to get in and out of bed. She was walking good though. Her electric was not on and I hated leaving her there but she is now at her Mother's house. Thank goodness for that, she can be more comfortable in the a/c. I will check with her later today and see how she is doing. I'll let you know.
Thanks for keeping us posted!
Give Jan a big Hello and Kiss for me and let her know she is in all of our prayers! I am sure she is happy to be home!
Thanks Joy....
I was at the hospital yesterday getting my pre-op testing done and wanted to see her but of course I didnt bring the info page with her last name on it. Yes.. im blonde.