Sunday and Frances is Here
Hi there! Here in panhandle it is getting windy and the sun has just started disappearing behind the clouds. Guess we will know soon if Frances is coming to visit. My daughter baked banana bread today to stay busy. (she's 16 and afraid of storms) If Frances comes, we'll feed her banana bread. ANYTHING if she will just be good to us. All be safe out there.
Report in from SW FL...
We faired well-ventured out earlier and found some limbs down and one tree into someone's house. Still raining and pretty windy. I am shocked by what we've seen here considering we were not in the direct path. OTherwise, we have power and doing well. Watching movies and getting ready to sit down to my last "big meal" before I start my Pre-Op diet. Good luck to the rest of you!
Hi Jan, I am still without power since last Friday. I am going crazy. I have my kids here with me at work because they are out of school because of the hurricane until monday. I am lucky I have an understanding boss. They are telling us we might have electric by Friday. Oh goody, just in time for Let's just all pray together that Ivan does not hit our Florida coasts. We only lost some branches, our wooden backyard fence and many roof tiles. The hardest part has been trying to keep my 4 and 5 year olds occupied.
Soon you will be on the losing side..........!!!!!!!!!!!