Lightening Speed
OMG This is moving along faster than I thought, I have a few co workers that have recently well within the last year gotten either RnY or the band and their process has taken about 4 months and we all have the same insurance but with me this is not the case. With the 15 things that I have to do on my pre-op clearance checklist including info session 09-09-10, not including the insurance approval and surgery, I have pretty much scheduled all in September or completed all but 5 things GI consult, Endoscopy, Mental health clearance (they told me to call in on Friday 24th to make that appt), pre-op labs, and pre-op appt w/surgeon. I guess my biggest thing is making sure everyone is faxing over my results and letters, as they should. So my question is how long did it take you to get from start; info session to finish; surgery, and what were your hurdles, the worst appointments, how did you feel when you got it all accomplished, did you feel you were moving too fast or right on pace? Every piece of advice helps.
I use trustfax but I pay about $30 a year for the service. It is well worth it to me. I have found it to be very easy to use and very reliable. Plus with trustfax I got a local fax number. You can do a google search for "free fax" as there are lots of programs out there now. In the past I used faxzero to send a fax and efax to receive, at the time both were free.