BC/BS of Florida
Here's a question for you. I am running out of time with Aetna, which has proven to be a nightmare. So I am thinking about self insuring. Has anybody had any luck with Blue Cross/Blue Shield in doing so? I am not sure how they would know that my morbid obesity was a pre-existing condition and not sure whether or not bypass would be excluded from my policy. Any ideas?
Ted, my understanding is, that BCBS of Florida, will not be covering WLS at all after January 1st. I hear they are already dragging their feet on people, making it harder and harder to get approved and playing waiting games. Aetna will approve they are just a pain in the *ss to deal with, you would probably be better off jumping through their hoops, then changing insurances. Good luck, Steve.
If your weight is effecting your job you might look into Vocational Rehab. They've covered several folks I know b/c their weight was making it hard for them to perform their jobs.
I'm in the "waiting to hear" phase of BCBS approval. I've been told that by law they must respond within 45 days but they can always drag their feet by asking for more info, at which time the 45 days starts over. So say a little prayer for me that I get approval in time to have my surgery before the end of 2004.
Good luck in your quest and don't give up!
Vickie J.
aka: Tallahassee Lassie
With regard to BCBS of FL, there are several different plans within the broad scope....most will not cover after Jan.1 And yes, morbid obesity is considered a pre-existing condition if you have ever seen a Dr. with regard to it. They are very "anal" when it comes to their pre-existing clause
On the lighter side, if you can obtain a "LETTER OF CREDIBLE COVERAGE" from you current insurance company showing that you have had constinuous insurance coverage, BCBS of FL can issue either a 6 month or FULL 12 month waiver of the pre-existing clause.You may take the advice of others and find a more convenient insurance provider though.