3wks post, Nausea all the time
I am so sorry to hear about the nausea sweety...I was feeling off a lot too when I first got home...I am just now 2 weeks post...And what I had to do was to take every second of my day slower...If I feel rushed in any form at all...I feel sick...So what I did was I set times of the day for everything...And when everyone seen that I was taking care of what I need first....they started taking care of their own too...Even a question when I am concentrating on my meals would be enough to set my tummy off..I don't know if this is your problem also...But it is an idea to try out anyway...When I started doing it this way...I haven't felt sick sense....Try it out and let me know if it helps...You can e-mail me [email protected] Hugs....Janice
Hey there
First congratulations on being POST -OP
I am 11 days out now and have been nauseated ever since I was in the hospital. I talked to my doctor and he said it is so normal... He did prescribe a nausea pill for me to he me on my really bad days and man it has helped!! Therefore, I know what you're talking about. I am starting foods this coming up week and he said if it got bad, stop the foods for a day, go to my liquids to give my stomach a rest and in 24 hours start again, and I might have to do this several times... So Maybe try that, and if it gets really bad ask about the nausea meds to help.. Good luck and keep us posted. I will be thinking of you..
Take care ~ Robin
I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having. I too started having the same symptoms at around 3 weeks out and it continued to get worse, I was vomiting all food. I would take 2 bites of food and get nauseous and vomit 15 min-2 hrs later. I thought maybe it was normal so I waited to tell my dr until a follow up visit and he thought it may have been a stricture, Well last week I had an EGD done and discovered that the hole from the pouch to the small intestine was closed up-the dr said his light would not go thru so he had to dilate it open. I'm not saying this is your problem but you do need to contact your surgeon and discuss your symptoms. I hope things get better for you soon as I am well aware of how miserable you are. Let me know what you find out.
Michelle Guess
Christy, Don't walk but run to your doctor. A little nausea is expected but not to the degree you are suffering.
I was given a scrip upon leaving the hospital. Have used it once when I made a pig of myself. I can get through most things but nausea is the worst.
Luv, I do hope you get better soon. And do call your doctor ASAP.