Hello everybody. First let me say thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. I really appreciate it.
I got home about 7:00 last night and boy was I glad to be here! Everyone at ORMC was super nice and my room was too, but... there's no place like home. Everything went fine except I had a hard time staying awake the first day and they only got me up to walk once. I guess Jan, my angel extraordinaire, told you that I slept thru her first visit.
I was awake most of the night, I don't know if it was because I stayed down too much that day or if it was the bed, my back was killing me. I got up at 6:30 a.m. and was pretty much up all day. I felt better when I was walking. I didn't "eat" anything off my breakfast or lunch trays so they made me stay 'til after the supper tray to prove I could eat. I can, I just don't want to. Without a doubt, the leak test was the worst part. That vile thick liquid they make you drink made me nauseated. But it's over quickly and it's good to know you're not leaking! I really feel pretty good. Just a little sore.
Thanks again for your support,