Where the heck is everyone? Kristen, Petra, Diane?? Anyone??? I can't keep this forum going by myself, I am not that interesting of a person. I have no news to share or stories to tell. Just jump right in at any time!
To be honest with you I miss you all. I'm so lonely.
I don't want to threaten, but I just may have to move to another state!
on 7/23/10 2:42 am
I'm fairly new to OH and just noticed they had a forum just for the Floridians!!
I'm also a "lurker" - trying to absorb as much information as I can - there is enough to make your head spin!
Donna, I see you are scheduled for 08-17....I'm not too far behind you. It feels like 08-27 is WAY TOO FAR AWAY! I can't concentrate at work, I'm obsessed with all the different forums, I count the days, minutes AND seconds until my big day....
My husband complains that everytime he sees me I'm either on my iphone checking emails and the post replies or I'm on my laptop doing the same!

Don't be a lurker, post when you get a chance.