NPR community hosp
hi christy, i have my sleep apneas test tonight and then hopefully i will be able to go to some of those meetings.I have not been told the days and times yet but i have to get back with ivy with some paper work and then we submitt for approval and maybe a date.i have cigna so I may be in for a fight but I am geeting everything I think they might need.Even dr dy asked why i had all this paper work and I told him you can never have enough for cigna.Take care ....How are you feeling ????? MIsty
Misty,, feeling pretty good,, the other day I had some severe lower abdominal pain all day,, it started at 3am then lasted til the next morning,, I called dr dy and he told me to get dulcolax but if it wasnt better by morning to go to the ER,,, I was a little scared,, I was afraid of some sort of twisted bowel,, I have heard others talk about it briefly,, well needless to say I am ok,, I think I need to find some sort of fiber or a supplement to keep me from getting this way again,, it is the 2nd time it has happened to me,,, The next support meeting is Aug 16th at 7pm,,, even if you havent been approved for surgery you can still come,, the support meetings are full of pre-op and post ops,,,,,, You learn alot,, it is in conference room c, that is over by the maternity ward,,, I hope to see ya there,,,, chow,,Christy