Hello everyone! I had my surgery last Thursday and made it through ok but it's been a bit rougher recovering than I had thought it would be! What has surprised me the most though is that I find myself crying very easily over things that would not normally upset me, it's like having the baby blues. Did anyone else go through this? Is this normal? Thanks for the help, hope I'm not a basketcase just yet
Rebecca YOU NOT ALONE......
They give you drugs during the surgery that take there sweet time to leave your body. I know I was sleep deprived as it was weeks before I could sleep in my own bed again. Lying down flat wasn't an option. My son even put some blocks under my bed to raise it and that didn't help.
I can remember crying because I needed help to wash up in the shower I was so weak.
Good news is this will pass.....The process you are going thru is trail and error. Go slow and follow the rules. Drink your protein and water and get up and move.
Rebecca, I haven't had surgery as yet and I am weepy already just trying to get through this ordeal, finding the right doctor for me. Please know I will keep you in my prayers so your recovery is a quick one. A little tears neevr hurt anyone, give yourself time and I bet you will be back here telling us how great you feel.