Looking for PSYCH Dr. in OCALA area!
Hi all,
I am trying to go through my pre-op process and now I need to find a psych doctor in my area that can do my evaluation for me.
I live in Ocala, FL and I have BC/BS Blue Care. I don't necessarily need to find a doctor who accepts this insurance (although it would be nice). I am willing to pay out of pocket. If anyone knows of a doctor, please let me know!
Ocala, FL
I had my psych test done by Dr. Henderson, PhD., and it was sooo easy! It's a T/F test with a ton of questions that are so easy to answer (do you see bugs on the wall that no one else sees) and then he talks to you for a little bit and that's it! Let me know if you need his phone number. I figured a psychologist would be less expensive than a psychiatrist and would still get the job done.
Amy and Jan,
Thanks so much for your help and quick response! It's funny because way-back-when when I was tentatively looking around for doctors to do this I had come up with 2 names...both of the ones you mentioned! I just wanted to ask around on here to see if I could find someone that had at least done this before and wouldn't try to suck me into the world of psychology and revisiting my youth or something.
Now...to make the phone calls...
Thanks a bunch!