Help..Need to change the name of the doctor I have listed here
Can someone help me figure out how to do this? When I first signed up here at I was going with Dr. Althar but have since changed my mind and am going with Dr. Nye. But, I can't figure out how to change the name of the doctor I will be using. Does anyone know how to do this? I went to my profile but cannot see where there is a place to change doctors.
Well congrats on your first appointment!! He is doing my surgery on the 30th. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you or help you with on your journey!
[email protected]
Erica, I know that you are excited about your upcoming surgery on the 30th. Not too much longer now.
How long did the whole process take you? Do you have co-morbidities that helped you get approved? I have diabetes, so far that is the only thing documented besides high cholesterol. I don't know if that will be enough or not.
Good luck with your upcoming surgery.
Yes I am very excited!!
It took me a little longer than most because my first psychologist told me no. So, I had to wait and go to another one. (B-T-W Don't go to Dr. DeSonier for your psychologist. Ask to use Dr. Allision - she has had the surgery and is great!) It took me about 2 months. It only took my husband 1 month because he got through the psychologist the first time. As far as co-morbidities, just the standard stuff - joint pain and such. That really all depends on your insurance, but I would say with diabetes as long as you are at least 100 pounds over weight it should not be a problem.
Keep me updated on your progress!
Thankyou for letting me know about the psychologist. I started to call and make my appointment today and now I'm glad I waited. I will use Dr. Allision.
I don't have any doctor supervised diets so I don't know if that is going to hurt me or not. I guess we'll see.
Will you be having the lap or open? That is really neat that you and your husband are both going on this journey together. Wow. When did your husband have his done? How did he do after surgery? I know you both have to very excited.
Are you nervous about the surgery? I am. I want it done but I am also very nervous about it. My daughter who is 12 doesn't want me to have it done at all and so I have been having to deal with that. Bless her heart, she is a momma's girl and is just terrified that something will happen to me.
Gotta go now. Thanks for your responses.