Officially A Looser...
I came through the surgery fine. They had some problems getting my O2 saturation to stay above 89 but it finally made it there. I haven't been on pain meds since yesterday afternoon. It made me nauseated so I told them I'd rather hurt a little than to force that down and potenitally throw up. They took the drain out this morning (Thank God), that thing was so uncomfy. I feel pretty good to be honest. I am sore in the lap sites and a little bit where my stoma is but it's bareable. I am just going to update the boards and then I am going to go lay back down, I didn't sleep much since going in.
LOL Girl! Thanks! I didn't get a chance to be nervous the morning of the operation. I was busy trying to keep my hubby and bestie calm...haha! That's just the way it works for me, which I won't complain. It was better to be a trooper than the one falling apart, my poor hubby...haha! Hang in there sugar. It will pay off no matter how nervous you are!