Still haven't gotten it right.
Well, I had talked about having trouble getting a doctor. My PCP doesn't think I am healthy enough to have the surgery and now finding a surgeon that wants to take my insurance is crazy. I have ChampVa (which is for disabled veterans' families) The insurance says I don't need pre-approval. (My handbook says they approve this surgery. ) Today, I went to another doctor's office to see if I could set up an appointment. The lady at the desk made it quite clear that they didn't take Tricare patients any longer and mine was not Tricare BUT it was government insurance and they really weren't interested. I tried to show her the letter but she said it didn't specifically say I WAS APPROVED so they didn't think they could help.
I thought I was going to cry or scream . I had hoped I could find something close but it looks like I will go somewhere else. I am working on contacting the Wish Center. I am not going to give up but I sure am depressed tonight
I thought I had it going since my insurance company seemed okay with it. That seem to be the place everyone was getting stopped. Leave it to me to do it different. Does anyone know if any of the military or VA hospitals might do this? I know I read the Eglin AFB does. Know anyone that went there? Thanks for listening. I am just so anxious to get this going. I wanted to have it well over with before I go up north for Thanksgiving. (No one up there knows I am doing it) hehehe
Carol call ChampVA tomorrow and ask for the doctors in network, though if you have don't have Tricare Prime ( I pay quarterly premiums for this one) Tricare Standard should be able to help and its all the same, as long as you give your name and hubby numbers, they should help direct you to approved dr.
I am not giving up but heck with all the work I have done and finished by Jan, my surgery should have been done and if the dr I am going to see doesn't want to do it he better be up front and say so and stop wasting my time. In the meantime I am working on getting an appt in Tampa but my car has been giving me touble and in and out of the shop for 2 weeks...not sure it will make it there so I will have to rent one, another expense however I do believe you are allowed expenses if you must travel out of area.
Keep us posted and if you find out anything more than I have told you, please let me know.