Insurance question can hardly wait
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I am just beginning thie journey. For the first time in my life I feel like there is hope for me to be a normal weight. I have a meeting with Spectra the end of July and hope to meet with Dr. Murr within a few weeks after that. I have a question though. I am pretty healty. I do have varicose veins, and some joint stiffness. Do I need to ELABORATE on these with Spectra and Dr.Murr in order to get Aetna HMO to cover my proceedure or have those of you with Aetna HMO been in pretty good health, other than overweight, and had the procedure covered? I am hoping I can have this surgery by early fall. I have been overweight all my life, never experienced a normal weaith. I am so excited. Thanks for listening.
Laurie, your insurance is the same as mine and Aetna HMO is very, very specific about what they want. You'd better have each and every I dotted and every T crossed!! Here's the link to check out Aetna's requirements:
Pre-Op Jan