meeting in orlando??
As far as I know, the final discussion was:
June 12th
Altamonte Mall Foodcourt
Not too sure about the time, we had discussed 12, 12:30 and 1pm LOL Guess we should firm up a time.
I did want to offer my opinion about the time since I worked at that mall for over 10 years. If there is anyway we could move it up to 11am, we would have a much better chance of getting several tables together. The mall and foodcourt will just get busier as the afternoon progresses. but I know there are several who are driving a distance so that may be too early. Just my opinion...
I'll bring some balloons to distinguish us from the others there and name tags to help identify ourselves. Normally, I would run with the role of party planner, but since my surgery is 6/02 and I will be at my folks for several days after I get home, I cant do it this time.
I think that 11:30 is good enough for me I'm in Ocala but it only takes me 1.30 hrs to get there, more or less. What besides ourselves should we bring? I think that each of us should bring our own balloon as we arrive at the mall, that way we can identify eachother right from the start. How does that sound?