Sorry we did not hook up at May 13th meeting, perhaps next time.
As for the eval, nothing to worry about. They will give you a few questions to answer for the psych, weight you, Doctor will talk with you, diet person will explain about post-op diet and its importance, and you will see psych. He/she will go over questions with you, do you understand what changes you will make in your life?, let you know if you are crazy(kidding) and that is about it. Not so bad. Just takes aloooong time. Pack a lunch!
Take care,
Marla...I also have blue cross ppo....I called the day after they faxed in my paper work to make sure bc/bs had received it....then it took a whopping 3 maybe call tomorrow just too see if they received it.....and ALWAYS get the confirmation number too your conversation...bc/bs will give it too you...that way you have a name and a recorded documentation of any conversation you might have with them....just in case never know what can happen....but I am wishing you the best...Carrie