Got My CPAP and See Nutritionist & Psych Tomorrow
Hi All! Just got my CPAP delivered this morning! I was truly blessed cause my insurance covered 100% and it has a heated humidifier and all. Very nice. So I guess I start using it tonight. I so anticipate being able to sleep longer that a 2 hour stretch! Also, I called Monday to get my appointments with the nutritionist and psych and almost dropped to the floor when they told me they had an appt open up for this Wed at 8AM. You bet I took it! I am finally feeling so positive about everything. Finsing this board and this wonderful site has been the best yet! Good Luck to everyone! God Bless!
Hi Kathy, I too live in Zephyrhills. Attempted to email you direct, would not happen. I am glad you posted. You will feel so much better with your cpap. I sometimes have a problem with mine. Keeps wanting to leak air around face mask. I play with it a bit and off to sleep I go.
Good luck on your apt on Wed.
My sleep study showed I woke up 9 times in 5 minutes. That's almost every 30 seconds. I love my CPAP. Sounds like yours is very similiar to mine. I am a new person now that I sleep all night. I don't even get up to go to the bathroom any more. Here's to your best night sleep in a long time. Enjoy!