Miss Know It All!
Hello Floridians,
Well, I met with my PCP for the first time yesterday. He talked to me about my weight and foods to eat and not eat. He also talked about excersize and thigns of that nature. He offered me a prescription for a weight loss pill. I didn't turn down the pill, but he didn't give me the presciption. After he was done talking I advised him about the WLS and my interest in it. He looked as if he had no clue what I was talking about at first. He asked me a bunch of questions! I was glad I had an answer to everyone of them. He said "Who will see you, who will perform this surgery on you"..........Luckily I was able to name my surgeon! He also said he probably doesn't take medipass, I said Oh yes he does.
I was so happy with myself that I was armed with this information. I am sure even if I had no clue, I would have gotten somewhere eventually. The fact that I had done so much research myself paid off though. I was so nervous and now I am so happy he is willing to follow and support me thru this!
Oh yeah, I also provided him with a diet history I typed up myself as well as a letter I wrote him.
You know these doctors think we non-doctors are just a bit on the stupid side Much to their surprise we are smart and do our research
I am so proud of you for following through with everything and you keep up the good work. It will pay off in the end
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when you started ansewring and the answers were correct
Keep us posted