Lab Results ?!?
Hello Everyone.
Just wanted to stop in and say HELLO ! and of course I had a question.
My PCP office called me and told me that my lab results were back.I have been waiting to get my refferal number anyway.The Nurse told me that everything looked great, cholesteral was excellent (Atkins ), however my triglcerides were high. They are suppose to be 150 and mine came back 169. Whatever that means.So I am scheduled to have a 2 hour glucose test in 2 weeks. I looked on the net about it but all I can find is how to lower them down ( Losing weight and different diets ). No causes, effects or what it means. Has anyone else experienced this ? Because I have no clue
Best Wishes !! !! !!
my triglycerides came back 170 and sedimentation rate 63 which were both high. My doctor ordered another blood test to rule out Lupus and Lyme disease. Turns out I have rheumatoid arthritis 56.5 Hope you don't have it. I'm sore all the time and have to take 400 mg of Celebrex a day and muscle relaxer.