Surgeon who is reasonable
Hi ,,
Im at the end of my rope!!Does anyone know a surgeon who doesn't want such a high up front fee ??Ive talked to 2 and one wants 4thos and the other one wants 2 thous,im on disability and can not afford this kind of upfront fee..Do You know anyone in fla?? I have medicare and share of the cost and my hospital will be paid 100% my problem is the surgeon help!!!thanks......
Beverly Savage
hope this helps put a
on your face try dr. nye in pensacola i hear that he is very good and that he does take medicare and with medicare you don't have to have an approval first before you have it done i live 30 mins. from his office he is highly spoken of here and the hospital has its on gastric bypass fall so give him a call in the moring and see what you can find out a good luck and prayers are with you