medicaid share of cost?
Hello everyone.........
I have really been doing my homework and finding out all I can about everything. How medicaid works, whats covered, who accepts it and all that good stuff. I have gotten alot of great information and have located the surgeon I will use. The one question, I cant seem to get answered though is............For anyone with medicaid/share of cost, how much did you end up paying out of pocket?
Thankyou All............
Hey Michelle. I am trying to find the same exact answer! If you dont mind , can you fill me in. Feel free to Email me at [email protected]
I have share of cost, and the only time you have to pay "out of pocket" is IF your doctor bills/prescriptions are LESS then your share of cost total for the month.(example..share of cost $80). If your doctor visit and prescrition cost more then $80 together or any other bills for the month...Medicaid will pay them in full. If your total for the month is only $70...then you have to pay that month. Hope this helps.