anyone here with BMI of 38?
Hi it's me again.I go into today to see the
for my psyc eval. Mt bodu mass index is 38,even though I have a high risk for coranary heart disease,arrthymia,depression,Very high cholestrol and triglicides, and a high glucose level has anyone with a 38 BMi been denied?I have cigna PPO and I called and spoke to them and she said that they covered the operation 40+ bmi or 35+ with 3 co morbidities.Just curious,I am so anxious it's killing me. Thanks in advance
Melissa W.
on 2/27/04 1:17 am
on 2/27/04 1:17 am
I have a BMI of 38. I have not requested approval as of yet. But did not know that information. Thank you! Are you tall as well? I am 5'9. And although i have been heavier in the past and have a bunch of health problems i know that it will be super duper hard to get this approved.
Good luck darling!

Hi BMI is 38 also and I have several (more than 3) co-morbities. I am almost completed with everything, waiting on the phsy evaluation. I did get a call from the scheduling nurse at the hospital saying my insurance agreed to pay but I haven't seen anything in writing with my own eyes so I will believe it when I am admitted to the hospital. I really didn't think they would approve me since I was never overweight till 2001 and they have my medical records for the last 30 years. We have Tricare Prime Ins. (Retired Military)
Ginny my sister was with tricare as well and she got approved her first letter.I am so happy for you!!
I have been a yo yo dieter so my fat % on my body is like 60%.I have so much fat and flab.I weigh or fluctuate between 210-223.. If i could just get to stay at 223 that would bring my BMI to 40.8.. what did you have to do during your consultaion?what should I expect? do we have to undress? do they check height ,weight? how does the surgeon himself decide if we are good canidates or not? any advice will definitly be appreciated..Thanks sweetie
Lisa please accept my apologies. I replied to you and for some reason it didn't get posted the other day.
I haven't met with the surgeon as yet, they have you go through all the testing a approval before bringing you in for consultation. I do know I was told they would weigh and check your BMI for sure....I was concerned since my primary wrote a BMI much higher that mine (an error) and when I told the nurse she told me not to worry about it.
I do think the surgeon will decide if you are a good candidate since he will be responsible for you on the table. Boy I have been dealing with this office almost 9 months, will be happy when its over. I just heard some disappointing news a few minutes ago here in Fort Myers...BC/BS is not covering gastric bypass anymore. Allot of people will be very upset. My surgeon was on TV local news talking about how disappointed many of his patients were.I know you have Cigna so I will be praying they don't jump on the band wagon with BC/BS.
Lisa keep in touch.
that's funny you should say that Gunny!! As of May 1st our company is going to BCBS of florida that is why it is so important for me to get approved on the first letter.I recent;ly spoke to the woman who handles all the insurance issues at the surgeons office and she told me that Cigna like many other insurance comapnies will want a 6 consecutive months in the care of a physisican within the last year of failed diet attempts.
what I have is september,November,january ,february and march.. but they are not consecutive.and it wasn't nessicarily for weight but was weighed in at each visit..I am hoping and praying this will be ok..