getting approved
I asked for some info this morning , and wheeeuuuuu!!!! everyone responded .. thanks again... Now I am wondering how long will this take I have BCBS hmo... I have a bmi of 37. 38 depending on the day>>>lolol
but I have a history of breast cancer in my family and obesity and have included this in my appeal letter.... has anyone had alot of troble with this insurance???
how did you get approved so quickly... everyone keeps telling me my BMI is too low 38 , I have been obese my whole life and Im tired of the battle . The doc's agree with me , and these stupid insurance companies. keep fighting , they would rather meet get all the other illnesses that come with being obese then treat it now... I have done every diet ( as I'm sure all of you have) and nothing works,,, you lose 20 gain 25 ... OMG Im so over it.....venting in florida
thanks for listening....xoxox