Self Pay in Florida
Hi Everyone...
I'm new to the support group and need some suggestions. I am currently having all my testing done with the intentions of submitting to my insurance carrier CIGNA HMO. From what Cleveland Clinic tells me, Cigna HMO is no longer covering surgery as of 01/04. I meet all the criteria and am a type II diabetic maxed out on meds along with other problems. My queston is if I am denied and have to self pay,can anyone suggest a Dr and hospital in Florida that is reasonable. I recieved a self pay figure from CC today of 10-12K for the Dr. and 25K + for the hospital. I know they are one of the best,but the self pay method will take me quite a few years to pay off and I need to explore all options in the event that CIGNA refuses to cover this.
Are there any other self pays out there? I am willing to travel but not out of the country.
Thanks !

I was talking to my Dr about this if this happened to someone and they told me that if it is a self pay then it was a flat rate of about $14K that included the surgons rate and all the hospital stuff. ( If I am not mistaken, but you should call to make sure) Dr. Jawad in Ocala is one of the top surgons around. He is awesome! Here is the website for his practice. They are all very nice in the office and Dr. Jawad really knows what he is talking about. Good Luck to you!
First thing you need to look into since your insurance won't cover the Wls. Will they cover complications if they should occur? Next will they still cover you? Some insurances drop you.
Now can you go on Medicaide or share of cost. Are you working? If so does Obesity efect the quaility of work you are doing?
Look into Voc. Rehab.
As far as Doctors I will have Dr. Haicken in clearwater.
I believe the Wish Center in Tampa also has a reduced rate for those who are self-pay that includes the hospital costs as well. They also have a financing plan.
They have two doctors preforming the surgery: Dr. John Dietrick and Dr. Chris Salvino. I have had my first consultation with them and my follow-up is scheduled for March 3 as long as my insurance (United Healthcare PPO) sends the approval prior to that date.
Good luck!
I just had surgery on the 9/02/04, I am self pay, but I choose to do it out of the country. I live in Citrus County Florida and I am a self pay as you are. I already paid all my bills, and it came out total five thousand ( $ 5000) all included; excelent surgeon, first class hospital, private room, good post op, ect.
I think it can be another choise and pretty lees expensive.
If you want to know more you can email me, I will be happy to talk about my experience.
Lots of lucks