I got a Date!!!!! 42 days and counting....
Hello WL family,
I got the call today, pre-op 3/18 and surgery 3/22. I am happy and scared, grateful and worried...and a million other emotions. It never felt real until now. I can't wait to get on with it, the waiting is going to drive me nuts.
Speaking of nuts........I had my psych eval. It's costing me $130. I didn't expect that. I'm dealing with UHC to see if that's accurate or if I'm getting screwed. Dr.'s office told me they have to bill for 4 seperate ofice visits, so 4 x $30 copay=$120. But I will only physically be there 1 out of the 4 "visits". I dont have a dictionary handy, but "visit" to me would mean I would actually be there....oh well, I'll check into that for sure.
Anyone else gonna be in Ocala regional 3/22? Good luck and warm thoughts and wishes to all heading for loser land. And I cant say it enough....many many thanks to everyone here at OBH. It's because of you I take a deep breathe and find the courage to continue on with my journey.

Hi carol, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! As you probably know marth and I are having our surgery in Gainsville probably around the same time we hope!!! were just waiting for that darn phone to ring!!!!!!! feeling a million emotions is a good thing! I feel if you write some of them down it helps... I also started walking today did a mile around the track!!! well keep in touch and GOD bless!