United Healthcare anyone?
Hi Everyone!
I am just starting the process for WLS. So far I have gotten clearance from my PCP, some blood tests have been done, my chiropractor is also writing a letter on my behalf and I have an appointment in a couple of weeks at the Obesity Clinic who does all the pretesting before sending me to the surgeon.
My biggest hurdle will be my insurance company (as you all know!).
Has anyone here had any experience with United Healthcare? If so, what were your experiences with them? What did they require from you?
I just want to know what to expect so I can be on guard and have all the information they need!
Hi Marcie, they didn't require the 6 months of supervised weight loss...my surgeon required a list of all weight loss attempts I had made. UHC didn't even require the psych-eval, the surgeon did. All they required was a referral from my PCP and copies of my records (my surgeon's office did all the work). It took about 2 weeks for approval (if I remember right, it has been a while!). Now, don't get too excited, because insurance companies change their requirements frequently and UHC may require more now.
I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
I have United Healthcare Choice Plus. Getting approval was a breeze. There was no psych eval. Just had to have a letter from my PCP stating medical necessity. It only took them about a week to get my approval done! Best of luck to you with UHC. From my experience they were really great to deal with!
Hi there
I was approved by United on March 8 of last year. Took about 3 weeks to get word back from them that it was a go. What they didn't bother to tell me was that it was for 90 days from the date of the letter only. In the meanwhile, my surgeon's schedule was busy and I could not get a date before he went on vacation for three weeks and then had to take 4 months of sick leave. By the time he returned, United had changed the people who handle their approval process and they had closed out my case! ::mutter:: My surgeon's office said normally they just get an extention but thanks to the changeover, it was not as simple. In the end, they did re-approve it, but it took almost a month. My surgeon's assistant had trouble getting straight answers from them when she called, but by now, maybe they have worked the kinks out of their system.
Best of luck to you on your surgery!