Thanks to Everyone :sniff:
I want to thank everyone who posted something to my last cry!It was very helpful,tomarrow will be my first doctor appointment to try to get a referel to have the surgery,they said i have to see a cardeolagest,and a gastrel something and then the referl hopefully.Im still very depressed very lonely no one to talk to.I wish i had friends like the wonderful people who answered me.i will post tomarrow everything my doc tells me.I feel i gained even more weight sense the last time i was online.Thanks
Neil Intindola

Hi Neil,
It's Danielle from Homestead again. I am happy that you have your first appointment. But I am still concerned with your depression. I am not sure if you know but you will be required to have a psych evaluation prior to any approval from your insurance company or your surgeon. Yes, living in a body that you feel is not acceptable by society can and will depress you and make you feel as if no one cares, but you can't be further from the truth. We care, everyone that has read and replied to your cry for help cares. Love doesn't always have a face, it comes in forms that aren't tangible and it is unconditional. So keep your head up, and remember we are here to help you. But you must first find your worth and believe in Neil Intindola. Smile Neil, you have friends and we care!!!!!!