surgery completed
I had my surgery on the 23rd...some christmas gift huh?
Anyway, I am feeling sad because I can't eat any ham or baked mac and cheese. I don't know if I am hungery or if I just miss eating so much food. I have never allowed myself to get hungery before so I am not sure if it is pain that i feel or hunger..SCARY.
GROSS...but I had to chew pieces of ham to get the favor and spit out the meat...GROSS. I was so ashamed I didn't tell anyone but now I am telling everybody here on the message board.
Nothing to feel ashamed of at ALL. I think we have all done that if we are honest, I did, with steak that at 4 1/2 mos out still can't eat. I think we all go through a mourning process for food. It is an instant lifestyle change and to lose a best friend(food) is an honest loss for a lot of us. I am very glad everything went well for you and that you are recovering well. Just keep telling yourself it is all worth it. I would do it all again in a heartbeat!!
Stephanie, Orlando Fla