Finally - a surgery date, 12/15
I am so thrilled! I finally got a date for my RNY procedure. I thought this day would never come and now I have spells of nerves. I suppose this is normal. I keep imagining how different eating will be and it scares me. The thoughts of how different everything else will be is what I welcome. I look forward to feet and knees that hurt less and allow me to move more. I would like to get out of bed in the AM and not have instant back pain as soon as I stand up. I am praying to be rid of the C-Pap machine in the near future. I would like to feel comfortable walking a short distance without feeling short of breath. I am taking so many pain meds it would be nice to be free of all of these. Now that I have written these out I feel better about the change in food - it is really a very small thing to give up and so much to gain from having the only procedure/treatmemt that will result in weight loss for me. I have tried them all. I will now view food as fuel to power me to enjoy life!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!