US Bariatric
Hi, my surgery is scheduled for August 13, 2003. I am interested in chatting with anyone who may be having or have had Dr. Marema as their surgeon. I live in Orlando and have to travel to Ft Lauderdale and stay for 10 days. Was very curious about the pureed food, YUK , that is on the menu . Would love to hear from anyone.
Hi Maxine, I had my WLS on the 9th and I'm doing great. I have lost on average a pound a day. I know that the doc says not to weigh everyday, but I find it too hard not to. I did not use your doc. I used DR> Jawad out of Ocala. I too live in the Orlando area. I had my WLS on Wed and went home the next evening. I was real sore and the trip home was a doozie, but I just wqanted to get home. Here is some advice that I have not seen other WLS pts post. Take your own pillows as they are so much more comfortable than the hospitals. Take a good pair of slippers as you will be doing a bunch of walking. The walking helps to get your strength back and to help move gas from your innerds. I took a bunch of nice gowns to wear, but where the drain and the g-tube (if your doc uses them) leak fluid for a few days and this will stain your gowns. I wore the good old hospital gowns and let my but hang out whlile in the room and covered up with my robe while walking in the halls. I hope this helps you. I wish you well and will add you to my prayer list as I truely so believe in the power of prayer. Your WLS friend...Brenda from Apopka