Jacksonville Support Group
I am in Lake City and we will be starting our Support Group on Monday August 17, 2009 at the Lake City Medical Center in "The Classroooms".. We would be more than happy for you to join us if you wanted to drive over here. We are not concerned as to where you had your surgery, we just want to be able to have support. This is a battle and we all need an "army"!! If you are interested, you can PM me and I will give you a contact phone number.
Give me a little time and there will be a location for a support group in the Jacksonville/Orange Park area. I'm working on opening a shop that will also on the side have support meetings. If you need to chat visit the 103rd Street GNC when I'm working there Tuesday - Friday. I'm the Manager. I often chat with folks getting surgery or who just need to talk.
In fact get on the link below for InterAfter and you can help in setting up a group.
- Jazelle.
In fact get on the link below for InterAfter and you can help in setting up a group.
- Jazelle.

Right now the best thing is to get on my website and we can work out a group. My goal is to have it open to all as I remember the one in Virginia was. The main thing is to have enough folks attend to make it worth working out the room. As it is might start in my house and work out from there. We will have an area in the shop for meetings but if it gets the size I want move over to using a conference room at maybe Orange Park Medical Center or one in Jacksonville.
The main thing is to get a core group together so we can plan things out. - Jaz
The main thing is to get a core group together so we can plan things out. - Jaz

US Bariatrics in St Augustine has been trying to establish one at Whole Foods. It is open to the public, but they do not yet have a regular date (to the best of my knowledge).
Check usbariatrics.com for the phone number and let them know you are interested. If they get enough people they will hold a regular monthly meeting in Jax. Sorry I don't have names and numbers but the psychologist handles these meetings.
Check usbariatrics.com for the phone number and let them know you are interested. If they get enough people they will hold a regular monthly meeting in Jax. Sorry I don't have names and numbers but the psychologist handles these meetings.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous